"How are you feeling today?" |
General check-in with patients |
"오늘 기분이 어떠세요?" |
"Take a deep breath." |
During a physical examination, particularly when checking a patient's lungs |
"깊게 숨을 들이마셔요." |
"This won't hurt a bit." |
Reassuring a patient before a procedure |
"아프지 않을 거예요." |
"We'll need to run some tests." |
Indicating the need for diagnostic procedures |
"검사를 해야 할 것 같아요." |
"Please describe the pain." |
Trying to assess a patient's discomfort |
"통증을 설명해 주세요." |
"Are you currently taking any medication?" |
Understanding a patient's current treatment |
"현재 약을 복용하고 계신가요?" |
"Does this hurt?" |
Checking for pain in a specific area during examination |
"여기가 아프세요?" |
"I’m going to check your blood pressure." |
Prior to checking blood pressure |
"혈압을 측정해 볼게요." |
"You need to fast before the test." |
Preparing a patient for a test that requires fasting |
"검사 전에 단식해야 합니다." |
"Your test results are normal." |
Reassuring a patient after receiving normal test results |
"검사 결과가 정상입니다." |
"I'm referring you to a specialist." |
When a patient needs more specific care |
"전문가에게 참조하겠습니다." |
"We'll need to schedule a follow-up appointment." |
After initial consultation or treatment, planning for future check-ups |
"추후에 재진료를 예약해야 합니다." |
"You should rest and stay hydrated." |
Basic advice for recovery |
"푹 쉬고 충분히 수분을 섭취해야 합니다." |
"Let's monitor your symptoms." |
When symptoms need to be tracked over time |
"증상을 계속 관찰합시다." |
"It's important to take the full course of antibiotics." |
Explaining proper antibiotic use |
"항생제는 처방된 대로 끝까지 복용하는 것이 중요합니다." |
"Please contact the office if symptoms worsen." |
Giving advice for potential complications |
"증상이 악화될 경우 병원에 연락해 주세요." |
"Do you have any allergies?" |
Gathering medical history |
"알레르기 반응이 있나요?" |
"This prescription is for two weeks." |
Explaining prescription length |
"이 처방은 2주 분량입니다." |
"I'd recommend physical therapy." |
Suggesting a treatment plan |
"물리치료를 권장드립니다." |
"Try to avoid strenuous activities." |
Giving health advice |
"격렬한 활동은 피하려고 노력해 주세요." |
"Let's schedule a vaccination." |
Planning for immunization |
"백신 접종을 예약합시다." |
"You're showing signs of improvement." |
Providing positive feedback |
"개선되는 증상이 보입니다." |
"The stitches will dissolve on their own." |
Post-surgery instructions |
"바느질은 자동으로 사라집니다." |
"We need to increase your medication." |
Adjusting a treatment plan |
"약물 용량을 늘려야 합니다." |
"Avoid direct sunlight after the procedure." |
Post-procedure precautions |
"시술 후 직사광선을 피해주세요." |
"You're due for a check-up." |
Reminding a patient of upcoming check-ups |
"정기검진을 받을 시기입니다." |
"Make sure to take these with food." |
Providing instructions for medication |
"이 약은 식사와 함께 복용해 주세요." |
"Keep the wound clean and dry." |
Providing care instructions |
"상처를 깨끗하고 건조하게 유지해 주세요." |
"I need to refer you for an X-ray." |
Referring for additional diagnostic procedures |
"엑스레이 검사를 받으셔야 합니다." |
"Try to limit your salt intake." |
Giving dietary advice |
"소금 섭취를 제한해 보세요." |
"You may feel a little dizzy." |
Informing patient of potential side effects |
"약간 어지러울 수 있습니다 ” |
"You might experience some side effects." |
Informing about potential side effects |
"부작용이 나타날 수 있습니다." |
"Please make sure to finish all the medication." |
Stressing the importance of completing a treatment |
"약은 반드시 다 먹어주세요." |
"I'm going to listen to your heart." |
Before using a stethoscope |
"심장소리를 들어볼게요." |
"You should have this checked annually." |
Recommending regular screenings |
"매년 검사를 받아야 합니다." |
"I'm going to feel your abdomen." |
Physical examination |
"복부를 만져볼게요." |
"The swelling should go down soon." |
Reassuring a patient |
"부기는 곧 빠져야 합니다." |
"Please, let me know if you're uncomfortable." |
During examination or procedure |
"불편하시면 알려주세요." |
"You'll need to remove your clothing for the examination." |
Preparing for a physical examination |
"검사를 위해 옷을 벗어야 합니다." |
"This condition is chronic, but manageable." |
Discussing a long-term illness |
"이 상태는 만성적이지만 관리 가능합니다." |
"Try to exercise regularly." |
Giving advice for maintaining health |
"정기적으로 운동을 해주세요." |
"Do you have a family history of heart disease?" |
Gathering medical history |
"가족 중에 심장 질환을 앓은 사람이 있나요?" |
"We need to reduce your cholesterol levels." |
Discussing test results |
"콜레스테롤 수치를 낮춰야 합니다." |
"Avoid smoking and drinking." |
Giving health advice |
"흡연과 음주를 피하세요." |
"It's important to get enough sleep." |
Giving advice for maintaining health |
"충분한 수면이 중요합니다." |
"Your symptoms suggest that you may have flu." |
Diagnosing a patient |
"증상으로 봤을 때 독감일 가능성이 있습니다." |